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Daily Checklist For A Clean Kitchen

By December 2, 2019 No Comments

They don’t call a kitchen the heart of a home for nothing! Because the kitchen is likely the most used area in any given home, and the nature of the activities taking place, it’s easy to get very cluttered and end up swarming with germs.

Keeping your kitchen and home organized can be overwhelming. That said, having a checklist makes cleaning easy and fast. No time wasted trying to figure out where to start or how to begin, simply pull out your personalized list and begin!

An efficient trick to begin your daily kitchen cleaning is to start from the counters and work your way down to the floors. Also, printing out the checklist and taping it to your fridge or cabinets can be a great way to remember not to miss any steps, as well as encourage you to get the job done.

Clear Those Counters

Any food, containers, or trash should be removed so that you’re able to spray them with your disinfectant and wipe them clear. For those looking for an environment-friendly and cost-effective disinfectant, check out our article on the wonders of vinegar!

Wipe Those Walls

Splashes and splatters on your kitchen walls, especially behind the stove, stain easily and attract unwanted pests.

Do Those Dishes

Clean, dry, and put away all your dishes. Don’t forget your dish rack and dishwasher!

Shine That Sink

Nothing makes a kitchen shine like a spotless sink. Get rid of those soap deposits, water spots, and food stains with an all-purpose cleaning spray. Don’t forget the faucet!

Clean Those Appliances

From your stovetop to your microwave, to the coffee machine and toaster sitting on your counter, don’t forget to disinfect and shine your commonly used appliances that may sometimes be forgotten.

Sweep Those Floors

After you’ve finished the countertops and done the dishes, grab a broom and sweep those floors. Be sure to reach under the cabinets and refrigerator to avoid any unwanted pests making a new home in your kitchen.

Take Out The Trash

After you’ve finished cleaning your kitchen, tie-up the bag of garbage, grab your recycling and properly dispose of it all. Avoid leaving the bin to overflow on the newly cleaned floors of your kitchen.

Upon completing your checklist, light a candle and relax to enjoy your freshly cleaned kitchen!

For those days where time is of the essence and you need a bit of professional help, call on your local NYC cleaning service, Obsessive Cleaning. After all, we obsess so you can rest!